Coming back into the city
Driving homeward slow
Shimmer like you do to me
We laugh at all those changing trees
Autumn is falling down again
Out of this blue Sunday dream
Come to me with your smoky mouth
Raindrops fall on this old town
It's been me and you've been falling round
Come to me with your smoky mouth
Raindrops fall on this old town
It's been me and you've been falling round
Well I lied to you when I knocked upon your door
See I was nowhere near your neighborhood
But if this all in our mind
If this is all just in our minds
Honey would you mind
Getting out of mine
This is all just in our head
And now it's screming red
Watching the leaves fall down and laugh at us instead
See I was nowhere near your neighborhood
But if this all in our mind
If this is all just in our minds
Honey would you mind
Getting out of mine
This is all just in our head
And now it's screming red
Watching the leaves fall down and laugh at us instead
'All There Is' è una delle tante belle canzoni di Gregory Alan Isakov, autore già di tre dischi ed uno nuovo in uscita pare ad inizio 2009. L'ultimo 'That Sea, That Gambler' del 2007 è quanto di più convincente ascoltato quest'anno. Non è mai troppo tardi.
Il ragazzo ci sa fare,eccome...magari tra un annetto se ne accorge anche Caru'..
RispondiEliminahahahaha , bella Hazel!
RispondiEliminaNoi "armadilli" abbiamo the best talent scout in town...
non esageriamo dai....., mi avete fatto venire un'ideuzza per sabato, spero di avere il tempo di realizzarla
RispondiEliminae intanto vi siete persi tutti light of day....