Il critico musicale del NYT sicuramente esprime meglio di me il contenuto del disco: 'Rebecca Martin has a warm, unguarded voice, an instrument of modesty and forbearance. Her interior style can feel almost too spare for standards, though she has recorded good albums full of them, most recently with the jazz drummer Paul Motian. With her own songs, she manifests a deeper, more easeful authority. She can make the same phrase seem philosophical and conversational, and about as natural as sighing.........As the album’s producer, Mr. Rosenwinkel merits special recognition: the sound he has created, all softness and luminosity, complements the songs beautifully. But it’s Ms. Martin who opens herself up here, and who deserves the credit. She makes this album feel momentous, in the quietest possible way.'
vino del giorno: ovviamente il Brunello 2000 di Gianfranco Soldera, era l'ultima ma ho in arrivo 3 bottiglie del 2001 di cui si dice un gran bene. Per ora delle ultime annate il miglior ricordo me l'ha lasciato il 1999.
Interesting Rebecca, perfetta per il rientro dopo una serata "steineriana"...
RispondiEliminaComunque pard non disperare di intistieti case basse oltre al '99 e '01 ho ancora del '95 in cantina.